Borton & Sons journey to a carbon negative Rockit apple

lbs CO2e per lbs of packaged Rockit Apples

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How do Rockit Apples Compare?

Rockit apples grown on Borton & Sons farms create less emissions than the average global apple. Emissions created to farm the apples are low, and in line with expected benchmarks.

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Could a Rockit apple be carbon negative?

Borton & Sons store carbon in their soils using regenerative practices. This means they can plan a route to sell an apple that adds more carbon into the soil than is made to produce it. The sequestration potential on the average apple farm is 1.2 tonnes of CO2e per acre of soil, and 5.75 tonnes of CO2e per acre of biochar

The carbon sequestration potential of Rockit orchards means that every year, 6.95 tonnes of CO2e carbon could be stored in soils. This sequestration can be allocated to the crop, which could lead to carbon-negative apples that store more carbon than was created to get them to the consumer.

By focussing on high impact areas, with insights powered by BX, Borton & Sons can plot a path to creating a carbon-negative apple.

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What’s next for Borton & Sons?

Now that Borton & Sons have baselined their apple, the BX platform provides them with insights and recommends actions they can take on their farm. Using the tools in BX’s environmental farm management software, they can plan emissions reductions in key hotspots, and implement practices to increase carbon sequestration.

Emissions Report Analysis
BX provide a detailed emissions report at a variety level, helping Borton & Sons see which categories create most of their emissions, and providing benchmarks which help identify which areas can be improved.
Improve Performance
Using the BX tools, Borton & Sons can create a plan for improving emissions and sequestration.

S.A.M. suggestions provided by BX’s AI tools use Borton & Sons data to create field specific plans, targeting emissions heatmaps.
Telling Their Story
On their journey to make an apple that stores more carbon than it creates, Borton & Sons can use the BX platform to share their journey with retailers and consumers.

Using highly-verified data, they can confidently share their progress and tell their story.

How did BX create this footprint?

Creating a carbon footprint for products is simple with BX.

The BX platform lets farms share all their growing and processing data in just a few clicks, and turns this highly-verified data into a carbon footprint that can be used to tell your environmental story to your onward supply chain, as well as plan how to make improvements in the future.

BX analyses all parts of the production process to get field-level insights. It all starts with baselining…

Farming Footprint

These are the emissions associated with the fruit production on farm, beginning with raw materials, and ending when the fruit is taken to the pack house.

Processing Footprint

These are the emissions associated with processing and packaging of the product, ready to go to the retailer or consumer.

Data provided for this case study

The data shown in this case study is based on data from Borton & Sons provided to BX. They have shared raw data with BX through the BX platform from one farm. BX analyse this data, completing verification, and providing a PCF report using ISO 14067 methodologies.

About BX

BX is an Environmental Farm Management Software enabling farmers to become data-driven climate change enterprises. BX enables farmers to monetise their environmental performance, facilitating a shift towards regenerative agriculture.

The highly-verified PCF provided means a trusted third party has studied the details of the emissions and sequestration at Borton & Sons at a granular level, meaning retailers and customers can trust when Borton & Sons make claims on their environmental performance.

Learn more about BX here.